The Japan-America Society of Pennsylvania



Members of the Japan-America society of Pennsylvania as well as the community are invited to get involved with the JASP's programs and activities by becoming active volunteers. There are also internship opportunities for students. Please find information on the types of volunteer opportunities below and fill out this form sign up. We welcome and appreciate your participation!

Educational Outreach*

Japan In The Schools Program

The Japan in the Schools (JIS) program is a unique program that brings Japanese education into classrooms in Western PA. Education Outreach Coordinator Katsuko Shellhammer guides the visits with teams of volunteers, so you can participate even if you're new to Japanese culture or if English is your second language. With many visits each school year, this is our largest volunteer opportunity.

High School Japanese Contest

High school students from the Greater Pittsburgh region compete each March at the annual Japanese Speech Contest at the University of Pittsburgh. Volunteers are needed for registration, to escort students to judging, and staff the activity tables.

*As of 2015, all school volunteers are required to have background checks.


Annual Dinner

The Annual Dinner occurs every autumn, and serves as a great opportunity to network with the JASP's corporate members. Volunteers are needed before the event to help with invitations and silent auction donations, and the night of the dinner for set up, registration, and raffle ticket sales.

JASP Golf Outing

This annual event brings together many prominent local businessmen and women though golf and raises funds for the JASP's educational programming. Volunteers are needed before the event to help with invitations, sponsorships, and raffle donations, and the day of the event for set up, registration, and raffle ticket sales.


Volunteer In The Office

Throughout the year we need volunteers in the office to help with various tasks including event preparation, poster design, filing and shredding, research, and the maintenance, repair, and organization of educational supplies. Office volunteering can be tailored to your skills and schedule during business hours.


The JASP accepts interns year-round. Internships can be tailored to meet the educational, professional, and personal interests of the student, for 10 or more hours per week. Please email us with your resume and cover letter describing your experience, as well as your educational and professional goals.

For more information on becoming a JASP volunteer, fill out the Volunteer Registration Form or email us at

Copyright © 2024

The Japan-America Society of Pennsylvania is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

 PHONE: 412-856-8608


ADDRESS: 580 S. Aiken Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15232
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